Advanced level full body workout with hills, sprints, endurance runs and a dumbbell section in the middle.
Intermediate level ride with both an endurance and strength section. Current house hits playlist
Beginner ride great for both a cardio and strength workout. Playlist features pop and hip hop
Beginner ride approx 50/50 in and out of the saddle. Playlist is current house remixes.
Intermediate level ride with hills & fast flats and ab work. Fun movie theme soundtrack including Grease, Fame, Mission Impossible & more!
A beginner level cycling workout, focusing on steep hills and high resistance intervals, featuring an indie playlist.
A long endurance workout featuring all kinds of climbs, sprints and isolations, set to a playlist of current pop hits.
Allows Fitscope classes to be used in a commercial gym or boutique studio (1 location) with up to 500 members. Multiple simultaneous users enabled. Lets Talk!
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